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Jul 5, 2023
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If I may jump in, a bit late and uninvited….

I would answer first with a query, meant either to educate me or to clarify meaning, or both. What is one doing when one has “pride in one’s work”?

The pleasure I have in work done well is two-fold, and on this I suspect we agree: I experience pleasure from the inspection or examination of *any* work well done, and I experience pleasure in having produced such work. Pride, as I understand it, is pleasure obtained or derived from notice (by oneself and/or others) of one’s own goodness or the goodness of some act or work produced by oneself, or by someone closely related to oneself—a family member, a student, etc., and for whom one commonly has some sort of responsibility.

Thus, in the definition (or at least my definition) of the key word, I think I find “pride in one’s work” as part and parcel of “pride in one’s self”, with no useful or meaningful distinction to be made. This said, however, I’d be happy to learn of some means by which self-pride and pride in one’s work might be meaningfully separated. I suspect that such a thought might have prompted your query.

Either way, cheers!—and I hope you find it sorted well in the end.

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I know quite a few contrarians that would let this fly right over their heads.

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