Very interesting contribution! FWIW, I met the black berets in a west Oakland junkyard in the 1967-69 time period. A white friend of mine and I were in the junkyard trying to find an engine block for my car. Two men with the black berets, representing themselves as members of that party came up to us and asked for contributions to their cause. It felt at the time like a request it would be good to honor, so we gave them some money and away they went. That same time period, I met Eldridge Cleaver at a chess club meeting in Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. Interesting times and people. The point? There is none. Just some oral history to add to the data base....

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Really, “white power to white people,” they say? I somehow doubt the sincerity of this claim. Anyone else reading this in bewilderment should read Days of Rage for a non-whitewashed account of the BPP. They expressed nothing but scorn for the other radical groups trying to join “the struggle” and even stereotypically assaulted and stole from the rich naive weathermen girls. A bunch of spoiled boomers died for literally no reason, despised by the group they wanted to join. BLM is following in the same incoherent and narcissistic path laid out by the the barely literate likes of Cleaver.

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