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What happened to (I. Berlin's) positive freedom? (Not mentioned at all). And considering the direction of the republicans towards White Christian Nationalism, Aristotelian virtue theory, and Aristopopulism; freedom seems like a topic that has gone out of fashion for republicans. Add to that Christianity's general orientation towards freedom as something Lucifer chose, leaving free will as something of a satanic temptation for the devout Christian. And further appetites for authoritarianism via Trump... This book seems poorly timed for publication IMHO.

Also, most of the rest of the world has woken up to what American politicians mean when they promise some regime a dose of "freedom and democracy".... See Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

And finally.... Climate change and bio-catastrophy necessitate a castration of hitherto imagined negative hyper masculine freedom so idolized by the wild west genre of films and other media.

Freedom has just about reached "dead horse" status... Keep flogging it at your own peril.

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